Quick Install


Minimum (tested) PHP-version is 8.1.

Project structure

Doc2rst has several configuration options but in general expects a project structure that consists of directories in a project home folder. The application_root is where the php-source code is. The doc_root is where the documentation on the project goes. A direct child of the application_root folder is the vendor_directory. Usually the name of this folder is also the start of the namespace sequence. The doc_root has a sub folder where the generated API-documents go: the api_directory.

{project-home} |
               | {application_root} |
               |                    | {vendor_directory} |
               |                                         | {package}
               |                                         | {...}
               | {doc_root} |
                            | {api_directory}

The vendor_directory can have as many packages or sub folders as you like. All packages will have their own entry in the table of contents on the start page of the api-documentation.


Other project-structures may or may not work for doc2rst. They simply aren’t tested.

Installing doc2rst as PHAR

Download the latest version of doc2rst as a PHAR-file from github and preferably place it in the root folder, aka your project home. See instructions on running the doc2rst phar on the next page.

Installing doc2rst with composer

As you probably only need doc2rst during development you can add the –dev option to the composer command:

composer require --dev bhenk/doc2rst

See instructions on running doc2rst from code on the next page.